
7 = 1? Verstehen, wie Hunde im Vergleich zu Menschen altern

7 = 1? Understanding how dogs age compared to humans

The simplistic formula that one human year equals seven dog years does not accurately reflect how dogs age. This blog explores the more nuanced understanding of dog aging and the factors that influence it.
Landen Katzen immer auf ihren Füssen? Realität oder Mythos?

Do cats always land on their feet? Reality or myth?

Although cats are known for their ability to land on their feet, this ability is not infallible. Let's examine the biomechanics behind a cat's righting reflex and the potential dangers of falls from heights.
Den Mythos entlarven: Sehen Hunde wirklich in Schwarz und Weiss?

Debunking the myth: Do dogs really see in black and white?

It is a common belief that dogs see the world in black and white, but recent scientific studies show that dogs' vision is more colorful than previously thought. This blog post is about how dogs perceive color and what this means for their interaction with the world.
Können Hamster im Sommer überhitzen?

Can hamsters overheat in the summer?

As temperatures rise, it's important to keep your hamster from overheating. This article examines the risks of heat stress in hamsters and offers practical tips on cage placement, ventilation, hydration, and more to help keep your pet cool and healthy all summer long.
Pflegetipps für langhaarige Katzen im Sommer

Care tips for long-haired cats in summer

In our comprehensive guide, we cover the essential grooming practices to help your long-haired cat thrive in the summer heat. From regular brushing to providing cool retreats, these tips will keep your furry pet comfortable and healthy during the warmer months.
Dürfen Hunde Eis essen? Entdecken Sie Leckerlisicherheit und leckere Alternativen

Can dogs eat ice cream? Discover treat safety and tasty alte...

Discover the truth about whether dogs can enjoy ice cream and the dangers it may pose to their health. Learn about homemade alternatives that put your pet's well-being first while satisfying their sweet tooth cravings.