
Haben Fische wirklich ein Drei-Sekunden-Gedächtnis?

Do fish really have a three-second memory?

The idea that fish have a three-second memory is widely believed, but is largely inaccurate. Recent studies show that fish have much better memory and cognitive abilities than previously thought. Read on to learn more!
Der Mythos der pflegeleichten Kaninchen: Was Sie wissen müssen, bevor Sie sich ein Kaninchen anschaffen

The Myth of Easy-Care Rabbits: What You Need to Know Before ...

Often seen as easy starter pets, rabbits actually require a lot of care, attention and expertise. This article debunks the myth of easy-care rabbits and provides insight into how to properly care for them.
Das Schnurren einer Katze verstehen: Mehr als nur Glück

Understanding a cat's purr: More than just happiness

It is often assumed that cats only purr when they are content or happy, but purring can also occur under a variety of other circumstances, including pain or stress. This blog post looks at the many reasons why cats purr.
Kann man einem alten Hund neue Tricks beibringen?

Can you teach an old dog new tricks?

Contrary to popular belief, older dogs CAN learn new tricks and skills! This blog post discusses the adaptability of older dogs and offers tips on how to train them effectively.
Ist eine trockene Nase bei Hunden ein Krankheitszeichen? Gemeinsame Mythen entlarven

Is a dry nose in dogs a sign of illness? Debunking common myths

It is often believed that the condition of a dog's nose is a direct indicator of their health, with a warm or dry nose being considered a sign of illness. But is it true? Let's find out!
Warum fressen Hunde Gras? Erforschung der Gründe

Why do dogs eat grass? Exploring the reasons

Many believe that dogs only eat grass when they are sick, but this behavior can be caused by a variety of factors, including nutritional needs and boredom. Let's explore the reasons behind this common dog habit!