Katzen haben 9 Leben: Erforschung der Ursprünge und Überzeugungen des Mythos

Cats have 9 lives: exploring the origins and beliefs of the myth

The idea that cats have nine lives is a fascinating myth that has fascinated people for centuries. From ancient civilizations to modern cultures, this belief has persisted, often coupled with folklore, superstition, and admiration for these mysterious creatures. But why do people believe that cats have nine lives? Let's explore the historical, cultural, and practical reasons behind this enduring legend!

Historical and cultural origins

The myth that cats have multiple lives can be traced back to ancient times. In Egyptian mythology, cats were revered and even worshipped as divine beings. The goddess Bastet, often depicted with the head of a lioness or a domestic cat, symbolized protection, fertility and motherhood. Cats were believed to embody Bastet's spirit, giving them a mystical and nearly indestructible nature.
In other cultures, the number nine has significant meaning. In ancient Greece, the number nine was associated with the nine muses, deities of the arts and knowledge. In China, nine is considered a lucky number and symbolizes longevity. These associations may have contributed to the belief that cats, already considered extraordinary animals, were granted nine lives.

The supernatural and the superstitious

Throughout history, cats have often been associated with supernatural powers. In the Middle Ages, cats, especially black cats, were considered familiars of witches or even witches in disguise. This association with magic and the supernatural may have reinforced the idea that cats have more than one life and are capable of surviving situations that would be fatal to other creatures.
Superstition also played a role in spreading the myth of nine lives. Sailors, for example, believed that cats on ships were good luck charms, protecting them from misfortune and ensuring safe journeys. The resilience and survival skills of cats, who often find it easy to escape danger, may have led to the belief that they have multiple lives.

Cat mobility and survival skills

A more practical reason for the nine lives myth lies in the physical capabilities of cats. Cats are incredibly agile and have a remarkable sense of balance that allows them to navigate precarious situations with grace. Their flexible spine and powerful leg muscles allow them to survive falls from great heights and often land on their feet due to the righting reflex. This unique ability may have given rise to the idea that cats can survive scenarios that would be fatal to other animals.
In addition, cats have strong instincts and quick reflexes that help them evade predators and avoid accidents. Their sharp claws and teeth make them formidable hunters who can defend themselves effectively. These survival traits likely contributed to the belief that cats were nearly invincible and reinforced the belief in their diverse lives.

The myth that cats have nine lives is a captivating mix of historical awe, cultural symbolism, and practical observation of feline abilities. Whether viewed from the perspective of ancient mythology, medieval superstition, or modern admiration for their agility, cats continue to fascinate us with their mysterious and resilient nature. Although we know that cats, like all living things, have only one life, the enduring legend of their nine lives reminds us of their special place in our hearts and our history.