Haustierfreundliche Gartenarbeit: Pflanzen, die für Haustiere sicher sind

Pet-Friendly Gardening: Plants That Are Safe for Pets

Gardening is a wonderful hobby that brings joy and beauty to our lives. However, if you own a pet, it is crucial to ensure your garden is safe for your beloved animals. Many common garden plants can be toxic to dogs and cats, posing a serious health risk. Fortunately, there are many pet-friendly plants you can incorporate into your garden to create a safe and beautiful outdoor space.

Why choose pet-friendly plants?

Pets are naturally curious and may chew on plants or dig in the garden. Eating poisonous plants can lead to a variety of health problems ranging from mild gastrointestinal upset to severe poisoning. By choosing pet-friendly plants, you can prevent these dangers and ensure your garden is a safe haven for your pets.

Safe flowers for a pet-friendly garden

1. Marigolds (Tagetes):

Marigolds are bright, cheerful flowers that are safe for pets. They also have the added benefit of repelling pests.

2. Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus):

Sunflowers are non-toxic and their seeds even make a healthy snack for pets. These tall, showy flowers can add height and color to your garden.

3. Zinnias (Zinnia elegans):
Available in a variety of colors and safe for pets, zinnias are easy to grow and can brighten up any garden area.

Pet Safe Herbs to Grow

1. Basil (Ocimum Basilicum):

Basil is a fragrant herb that is safe for pets. It is a great addition to any garden and can be used in a variety of culinary dishes.

2. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis):

Not only is rosemary pet safe, but it also adds a wonderful scent to your garden. It is a versatile herb that can be used in cooking and as a natural air freshener.

3. Thyme (Thymus vulgaris):
Thyme is another pet-friendly herb that is easy to grow. It is drought tolerant and can thrive in a variety of garden conditions.

Shrubs and ground covers are safe for pets

1. Blueberries (Vaccinium spp.):

Blueberry bushes are a great choice for a pet-friendly garden. They produce delicious fruit that you and your pets can enjoy.

2. Camellias (Camellia spp.):

Camellias are beautiful flowering shrubs that are safe for pets and can add texture and color to your garden all year round.

3. Creeping thyme (Thymus serpyllum):
Creeping thyme is a pet-safe ground cover that can be used between stepping stones or as a lawn substitute. It is winter hardy and emits a pleasant fragrance when walked on.

Tips for creating a pet-friendly garden

We have a few tips for our readers who are ready to create a pet-friendly garden:
  • Avoid poisonous plants
Research and avoid plants known to be poisonous to pets. The most common poisonous plants include lilies, azaleas and foxgloves.
  • Create barriers
Use fences or natural barriers to keep pets away from more delicate plants. Raised beds can also help protect plants from curious pets.
  • Provide shade and water
Make sure your yard has shaded areas where pets can rest and stay cool. Always provide them with fresh water so they stay hydrated while they explore the yard.
  • Use organic products
Avoid using chemical pesticides and fertilizers as they can be harmful to pets. Instead, opt for organic and pet-safe gardening products.
  • Set up a play area
If possible, set up a designated play area for your pets. This can help keep them occupied and cause less disruption to your plants.

Creating a pet-friendly garden doesn't mean sacrificing beauty or variety. By choosing plants that are safe for pets, you can create a garden that is both visually appealing and safe for your furry friends. With a little planning and care, your garden can be a place of joy for you and your pets, creating a healthy and happy environment for everyone. Happy gardening!